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dc.contributor.authorRecabarren Lozada, Arturo Felipe
dc.contributor.authorLlanos Rosas, Marcos Gustavo
dc.contributor.authorLlave Pinto, Gustavo Joel
dc.identifier.citationActa Médica Peruana. 2023; 40(4).es_PE
dc.description.abstractObjetivo: Comparar el nivel de control del asma mediante el uso del Asthma Control Test (ACT) y manifestaciones clínicas en dos grupos de pacientes tratados con diferentes corticosteroides inhalados (GCI). Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo, observacional y prospectivo donde se registró en 521 niños del programa de asma del Hospital III Yanahuara (Arequipa, Perú) el Nivel de Control del Asma, durante el periodo de junio del 2020 a diciembre 2021, por medio de la consulta remota empleando el ACT y la recopilación de los hallazgos clínicos (síntomas diurnos, nocturnos, visita a emergencias y uso de broncodilatadores beta 2 agonistas), en dos momentos durante la pandemia COVID-19. Resultados. Ambos grupos tuvieron un control óptimo al inicio y final del estudio, con una mejoría significativa en el último control (P < 0.05). En las manifestaciones clínicas no hubo una diferencia estadística (P > 0.05) en ambos controles. El nivel promedio del ACT de la Fluticasona al egreso, tuvo una superioridad significativa frente a la Beclometasona (P = 0.03). Conclusiones. La Teleconsulta es una herramienta eficaz para el monitoreo de enfermedades crónicas como lo es el asma. Tanto Fluticasona cómo Beclometasona lograron un control óptimo de la enfermedad, destacando que el verdadero factor determinante para lograr un buen control es el uso continuo de cualquier GCI. Sin embargo, se encontró una diferencia estadística significativa a favor de la Fluticasona; no obstante, por su menor precio, la relación costo-eficacia favorece a Beclometasona como opción económica y eficiente para un óptimo control del asma.es_PE
dc.description.abstractObjective: To compare the level of asthma control using the Asthma Control Test (ACT) and clinical manifestations in two groups of patients treated with different inhaled corticosteroids (ICG): fluticasone and beclometasone. Materials and methods: An observational, comparative and prospective study was conducted in 521 children in the asthma program of Hospital III Yanahuara. During the period from June 2020 to December 2021, the level of asthma control was assessed by remote consultations using ACT and collection of clinical findings. Patients were grouped according to the type of ICG they were using. Data were recorded at two different time points for each patient, with a 4-month interval between each control, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the level of control was compared by ACT score and clinical manifestations between the two groups of patients at both time points of the study. Results: Both groups had optimal control at baseline and at the end of the study. In clinical manifestations there was no statistical difference (P > 0.05) in favor of either drug in either control. However, in the second control (discharge) a significant difference was found for fluticasone versus beclometasone (P = 0.030). Conclusions: Fluticasone was found to have superiority in the level of asthma control over beclomethasone. However, the determining factor in achieving good control is the continuous use of any IGC.es_PE
dc.publisherColegio Médico del Pérúes_PE
dc.subjectConsulta remotaes_PE
dc.subjectRemote Consultationes_PE
dc.titleComparación clínica en el manejo remoto del asma bronquial durante la pandemia COVID-19 entre dos terapias controladoras: fluticasona y beclometasonaes_PE
dc.title.alternativeClinical comparison in the remote management of bronchial asthma during the COVID-19 pandemic between two controller therapies: Fluticasone and beclomethasonees_PE

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